Inspiring Executive Strategies

We specialize in values aligned strategy and implementation support.

love-centered, anti-racism, and emergent strategy frameworks


  • Collective Planning and Implementation

    • Strategic advisor on anti-racism and emergent strategies that center intersectional perspectives

    • Guide collective processes for equity-centered organization structure and policy transformation

  • Transformative Coaching and Thought Partnership

    • Empathetic and strategic partner to work through nuanced challenges and solutions

    • Goal setting and implementation strategies

  • Values Aligned Policy and Budget Assessment

    • Co-create equity-centered policies, practices, and structure aspirations

    • Advisor for short and long-term budget planning

  • Vision

    It begins with a vision. A vision to have a thriving, sustainable, mission-centered organization that is filled with people who are inspired and passionate about community.

  • Plan

    The planning process is where we explore the how. It's where we develop a holistic understanding of how systems function and how each person contributes to the collective well-being internally and in community.

  • Create

    Creating new or improved processes is the fun part. Here is where we collaboratively build out from how things currently flow to what is needed to achieve the vision.

Engagement Examples

Strategic Plan and Implementation Consultation

  • Collaboratively facilitate strategic plan and implementation strategies, including stakeholder engagement, organization assessment, and budget considerations.

  • Guide collective decision-making process for organization restructure and budget projections.

Organizational Policies Assessment and Analysis

  • Equity-centered assessment and analysis of team and management, formal and informal internal power structures, and budget and funding sources.

  • Evaluation and analysis of policies and operations for the purpose of tactical planning and improving processes, client impact, and staff relationship.

Race and Class Conscious Funding Practice

  • Advise grant-making organizations to evolve from restricted program-based funding to unrestricted general operating. Include analysis of current practices, recommendation for improvement, implementation strategy, and organization-wide training.

Empathetic and Equity-Centered Coaching

  • Empathetic strategy sessions to support personal and professional goals and evolution.

Article: Equitable Budgets for Nonprofits

“An equitable and inclusive budgeting process is a year-round process that draws from many of the same organizing and advocacy approaches that nonprofits already use to engage their communities – such as making sure people are informed, able to participate, and valued for their expertise and unique perspectives. ”


Be Present Consulting

“Our services begin with mix of research, data collection, and storytelling to ensure we are addressing root causes, then we partner with our clients to build and co-create a customized journey of strategies that benefit all. ”

Tercero Solutions

“Cultivate human centered + agile organizations that thrive during growth, are optimized for productivity, and enable innovation.”